Tuesday, October 31, 2006

It is here...well almost

According to a couple of sources, the new trailer for Spider-Man 3 is due out Nov. 17. Yes, that's right, it's really really close. The bad part is that it is going to be on the new Bond movie. I hate to pay for a movie just to see a trailer but I am a big enough dork to do that. I might just stay to watch the movie. At any rate, like I stated before, this trailer is suppose to show Venom in his entirety. I am hoping that Venom looks something like the pictures posted on this blog. And for those that aren't as a big of a dork like me, these are drawn by Todd McFarlane. Which in reports they used McFarlane's concept to create Venom in the movie. To Spidey fans, this means alot, to the rest, maybe not so much. But I did warn you people that I will be attacking you with Spidey posts. Thus far in the movies they have done a good job with sticking to the comics. So, this will show if they done a good job visually. It better have the giant while spider on the chest and back. But, from pics I have seen of Spider-Man in the suit...it won't.
Until next time.