Hello there
I was discussing comic book characters with a co-worker the other day. Well, actually I was answering questions he had about the comic book universe. But that is not here nor there. At any rate, we got on the subject of which hero/villian is the most powerful. And I just thought that would be a good post. I will tell you my picks and you can tell me yours. So, here goes.
I think I will start off with who I think is the most powerful villian. As you may, or may not know, my favorite villian is Venom. However, I don't think that he is the most powerful or the strongest. You have villians out there like Dr. Doom, Abomination, Magneto, Apocalypse, and let's not forget about Galactus. Which are all, in my humble opinion, are stronger than Venom. However, Venom might give a couple of said villians a run for their money....probably not against Galactus. With that being said, I give you my choice villian...
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I give you Thanos of Titan. You might say that, hey just wait a minute...Galactus is more powerful. Yes, this is true as in terms of true power. However, Thanos is not about power. The thing you have to worry about is his cunningness, his wit. Yes, he is powerful and could take on multiple super heroes by himself. (I think he has fought the Avengers on several occasions and always came out on top.) But his mind is what makes him deadly. And here is another kicker...he has went toe to toe with Galactus and won. Now, he took a beating but was able to pull off his trap and basically delay Galactus. Not many people can say that they went up against Galactus and won. Also, he was the first to collect all the infinity gems...which he had to trick or beat the owners of the gems. Then came the infinity gauntlet and so on and so forth. And it's for these reasons that I think that Thanos is the most powerful villian.
Ok, now onto the hero catagory. Ok, ok, you have probably already guessed my superhero. Yes yes, I am going to stick with this guy....
Yes, I know. He's not the strongest, nor the fastest, nor the most intellegent superhero out there. I know there are heroes like the Hulk, Captain America, Ironman, Fantastic Four, etc. But I be lieve that it is the way he puts these three together that makes him the best out there. For example, Reed Richards is more intellegent than Spidey. However, I think that Spider-Man can react faster and apply his knowlegde to a situation faster than Richards can. Also, his duty comes from a promise that he made a long time ago. That and the feeling of wanting to protect his loved ones from harm. Also, the ability to read a situation and figuring out the best way to approach it. And let's not forget that Spider-Man went toe to toe with Firelord and beat him. Yep, another obsure Spidey reference. You can thank me later.
Well, those are my picks. You may have a different opinion but that is ok. I am sticking with my chocies. Let's hear what you have to say. You may want to venture off into the DC world or it may not even be a comic book figure. Maybe you read about a villian/hero in a book that you thought was the best or the most powerful. As I said, feel free to venture into any realm and leave your comment here. Until next time fellow bloggers.
hey warren,
i'm pretty sure you'd know, but just in case - thanos is dead. well, as dead as you can be in comics these days.
Yeah, I seen that Drax? had killed him. But, what he said when he was killed gets me. So, like you said, he is dead as far as you can be in comics. I have no doubt that Thanos will be back and somehow or the other they will show that Thanos had an intention of letting someone kill him. It's crazy, but crazier things have happened in the comic book universe. For example, Aunt May has died a couple of times and came back and she is no cosmic being. But we will see.
i have followed this blog over the last few months as a possible blog to be marked as dangerous. the danger appears to be resting beneath the surface. please keep it there or turn away from it altogether. the comic book discussion of villains to be favored or respected in power is a noted concern.it is dangerous to spend too much time focusing time on the darker parts of life. we have lost too many young people to cults this way. still, if i can be brief, i think both commentors should look closely at the works of darkseid. your thanos is merely a weak imitation. and as for aunt may, the aunt may from the spider man comics was a given the power cosmic by galactus in marvel team up #137. she was called golden oldie. she helped satiate galactus' hunger with the help of franklin richards and a twinkie. she is still going to pass on this year.
- victor d.
Since I've been out of the comic world for a few years I can't really comment fairly on what's going on today. I hear that Thanos toppled Galactus, and that would certainly make him just about as powerful as one could imagine. However, a bit of research indicates that Thanos did so using trickery and employing other baddies to fight in his stead. Granted, the ability to pull something like that off certainly gives him tremendous street-cred... but seriously, in a street fight Thanos is going to be owned.
Although, for Galactus to be involved in a street fight it'd have to be a fairly large street.
As far as the most powerful superhero goes, I just can't see any way around giving that honor to Thor. Personally, I can't stand Thor. I always thought that his books were lame and wouldn't know a damn thing about him had he not been involved with the Avengers.
But, there's that whole God thing to consider. That would make a guy pretty powerful.
Ahh..my nemises has returned. And as always leaves comments that contradict themselves. First you tell me not comment on villians for this is a dark road. And yet I see that you leave a comment about Darkseid. And I must admit that is a good choice for a villian. And I also see that you have obsure knowledge of comics as well. Pulled out the old Golden Oldie. That was almost too obsure for even myself. So, Victor, are we going down a dark path ourselves? You evidentally like comics and know who Thanos and Darkseid are. Hmmmm..makes one think doesn't it?
And yes Cory, Thanos did take down Galactus...but he did it basically alone. He took a thrasing from Galactus before his trap was set. But that merely slowed Galactus. The Galactus that you are speaking of (I think) that Thanos took down with the help of others was actually a clone of Galactus created by Thanos. Yep. Let's go back in time where Thanos had the infinite guantlet. With said gauntlet, he created Thanos clones to aid him later on for whatever reason. One of those clones he made into a Galactus Thanos. He had the infinity gems at the time and could take down the clones if need be. But he gave up the gauntlet and had to fight the clones without them. That is the one Thanos took down with the aid of the other cosmic heros and Spider-Man. That is why I say Thanos is so dangerous..it's his mind and his ability to read situations and calculate plans.
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