Thursday, November 30, 2006

What about Earl?

Hello all out there in blogger land. I have decided to rescue some old blogs that I had in my myspace account. It seems that the blogs disappear when you create new ones. I am not being lazy, I just want to save them from total distruction. They are good in my opinion, otherwise I wouldn't have put it down. So, over the next couple of days, I will be posting these and they might be outdated but I want to save them anyhow. But this one is a personal experience that I want to share. Enjoy.

It's funny how the human brain locks in certain memories and events and other things it purges. For example, I can retain useless knowledge no problem. Facts that will never help me in any way unless I get on a gameshow that all the questions pertain to such things. But I would have to study my butt off for a test and sometimes forget answers on the test. At any rate, this story came up because the old brain has this stored and filed. Of course, members of my family have this locked and stored away as well.
I was about 14 and we were on a family vacation. We had rented a cabin in Tennessee. The little caravan of people that went on this outing was Dad, my step-mom, aunt, my brother, my lil sis, grandparents and my cousin. So, to say the least everyone listed (save for my sis) remembers this fateful day. The only reason my sister doesn't know this is because she was too young to remember.
It all started at lunch that day. Dad had grilled some hamburgers for lunch. And from what I remember they were dog gone good cause I had 2 or 3 of them. Along with some baked beans and chips. But I wasn't done there. Grandma had opened up a watermelon. I got me a slice and that was really good. So, I got another slice, then another, then another. Then Dad had to ruin everything by putting a curse on me, "Son, you are going to get sick eating all of that."
Pfft. Get sick? Me? Never. I never got sick by eating too much. I have a cast iron stomach. At least I thought.
We done a few activities that day. We hit a few stores in Gatlinburg, played a few rounds of putt-putt golf and basically stayed out all day. We returned to our base of operations and my stomach began to rumble. I skipped dinner for I was still full. Later on we finally bunked down to go to sleep. That's when it hit.
My stomach went to churning. It felt like an alien was trying to bust out my gut. Then my stomach did the sound that I didn't want to hear. It was the warning sign that you are about to hurl. If you ever had to hurl, you know that infamous sound. It's like your stomach gurgles it's contents before it spits it out.
I made a mad dash to the nearest bathroom. Which would prove to be a tremendous feat. I am half asleep and my brain had kicked in survival mode. I was no longer control of my body. It knew where that bathroom was however it ignored the fact that there were walls that I needed to get around. I am trying to fight and hold back the leaking dam, so-to-speak. And it being pitch black dark, I am half asleep, and me hitting every wall and every object along the way was not helping. Then finally, like a shining alter, there was the bathroom.
Just as soon as I opened the toilet lid, here came the flood waters. I hated the act of puking but then again it was making my stomach happy by purging the contents. It went on for awhile and then finally stopped. What a relief. I cleaned up and washed that nasty taste out of my mouth. Then I went back to bed.
I awoke the next morning and did my morning routine (brush my teeth, get dressed, etc.). Nothing was said about last night. I thought for sure that I awoke everyone in the cabin but evidentally not. Cause I know that Dad would surely have fun at my expense but no. At least that was what it seemed. Later on that day, Dad posed the questions, "What about Earl?Are you bringing Earl with you?" Earl? Who is this Earl?
When I responded in that manner, Dad continued on, "Yeah, Earl. You were talking to him all last night it seemed. You kept yelling out Eeeaaaaarrrrllllll."
Ahhhh...there it is. I knew Dad wouldn't let me down. It wasn't "Son are you ok?" or "Have a rough night last night?". Nope, we have to turn it into a joke. Ah, well. But I will have to admit if the roles were switched. I would do the same so I can't really blame him. After he made that comment, everyone started laughing. So, indeed I did awake the household with my late night antics and Dad had already preped the family of the constant ribbing I was to recieve. And of course, for the remainder of the day, that's all I heard about...Eeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrllllll.


Blogger Sarah said...

Watermelon always gets me. It's by far my favorite fruit and I always eat nearly half of it in one sitting. I get nauseas and bloated and regretful...and then wake up the next morning and eat the second half.

6:32 AM  
Blogger Temporarily sane said...

Yes, watermelon is the devil. If you get a real good one, then it is hard to put down. Tis a very evil fruit.

12:55 PM  

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