Sunday, September 10, 2006

Pardon the Interuption

I will get back to part 2 of my story...but I seen a couple of things I seen that I must address.

Ok, first off. I would like to say Stephen Colbert is one of the funniest people alive. I try to always catch the Colbert Report. (It's a great show if you haven't heard of it.) And on this show he is always doing different segments that go off on a tangent. The one currently that he is doing is that he filmed himself against a green screen fighting imaginary monsters with a plastic lightsaber and allowing others to add their own background. The theme is that he wants to fight space monsters. The first one that he aired that someone else fixed was hilarious. Ah heck, here you go..just watch it... It's right there on the homepage...check out the one done by weirdhat.

Alright..the other thing I must talk about. Hang on..need to get out my soapbox.

Ok, there we go. Once I have my soap box out, it means it's time for a mad rant. This will be the first of many no doubt.

You might be asking who or what is it that made me drag out the old soap box? None other that your friend and mine...Geraldo Rivera. Yes, the waste of space is at it again.

I was channel surfing the other night and saw something flash at the bottom of the screen. I seen a headline saying somthing about Steve Irwin. So, I had to stop and unfortuantely it was on FoxNews. And just to make things even worse it was on The O'Reilly Factor. Yes, yes...I know. I am only human and I do make mistakes from time to time...and this was a huge one.

Geraldo was talking about Mr. Irwin and his untimely death. Now, he was already in an interview with Bill O'Reilly, so I missed the first part of what Geraldo was saying. But I basically caught Geraldo saying it that Irwin had it coming to him. Now, he didn't come out and say that directly, but that is what it felt like to me.

He was saying that if you stay around man-eaters then one of these days they will eat a man. And he also had the nerve of saying that Steve Irwin shouldn't have been swimming that close to the sting ray and couldn't understand why Steve Irwin could do the stuff he done when he had kids at home. And of course, Geraldo had to build himself up by showing everyone that he's been around dangerous animals and he is perfectly fine. And he also showed a picture of him being near a tiger. Hey, wait..what's that in the backgroud? Does that look a cage? You mean to tell me that the almighty Geraldo is near a dangerous animal in a controlled environment and animal trainers/specialists near him. Yeah, Geraldo being around dangerous animals in a controlled enviroment (zoo, shelters, etc.) is the same as Irwin being out in the wilderness--in the animals home. Shut up Geraldo. Someone needs to punch you in the nose again.

Steve Irwin was a great man. What we seen on the television was Irwin's job. Heck, the man found a new species of turtle and it was named after him. He ran a zoo and was very knowledgeable of his profession. What happened to Irwin was a freak accident. Yes, he put himself into danger all the time. But don't we do the same when we get behind the wheel of a car? Wait a minute Warren, being around dangerous animals and driving a car is not the same thing. YES IT IS!!! Operating a vechicle when you don't know what you are doing behind the wheel of a car is just as dangerous. That is just one of the normal things that people do everyday. But what Steve done was as normal to him as us driving a vehicle.

And what has Geraldo done in the past few years that were great. Take your time. I will be right here...........anything yet...No?.......ok i will give you another minute.........Anything? Exactly. The only good thing that he has done was get popped in the nose. Oh, and how can I forget about him giving away the position and plans of our troops in the middle east. Great job Geraldo. Hey Geraldo, go make fun of some Scottsmen for wearing their kilts.


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