Thursday, June 21, 2007

Wow, I am back..but for how long?

Yeah, I know. My last blog entry was in March...sorry. I have had a few things that happened in my life that took up most of it. I didn't really have time to do anything. That and there were some things that happened that I couldn't control and really put a damper on my life. Some of my closest friends know and that is the way it is going to stay. But now things have changed and hopefully for the better. But there are a couple of things that I do want to talk about...and hopefully someone from Marvel is reading this.

I have avoided this subject for some time now. I didn't really want to talk about it. But I must. If you have read or paid any attention to my blog, you know that I am a huge Spider-Man fan. And it hurts me to do this. Spider-Man 3, a movie I have long anticipated, There, I said it. Yes, after all this time of me promoting the film and couldn't wait until the arrival, I am giving the film a big raspberry. It was absolutly horrible. They completely dropped the ball on this one. If you haven't seen the film, then I may be giving some end material here. But you are better off not watching the film. If you want to waste some time, then just wait until it comes out on DVD and waste your time then.

Let me start with the Venom suit. As any true fan knows, the Venom suit came from the secret wars. I know they couldn't do that in this movie. So, the suit comes to Earth in meteor form and latches on the back of Parker's motor scooter. No big deal there. I can accept that. What I can't accept is how they portrayed the suit. They just acted like the suit bonded with Spidey's red and blue costume. No huge white spider on the front and back. It was just Spidey's normal suit in black. That is unacceptable. I want the Venom suit that McFarlane done. But it's not done there. Again, as any fan knows, the suit transformed into "clothes" when not in use. Example, Spidey is walking down the street in normal apparal. Trouble strikes and he leaps into action. With only a thought, the suit changes from the pair of pants and shirt into the black costume. In the movie, he wore the suit underneath his clothing as he would his original costume. And it seemed they toned down Venom's powers when the suit bonded with Brock. Or they just failed to show it. This may not be a important concept for some but for a Venom fan like matters alot.

Furthermore, they didn't really show Venom until towards the end and the fight between Spidey and Venom was anti-climatic. I was expecting a knock out dragout fight but didn't really get it. They also ignored some of the suit's powers when it bonded with Brock. The producers and film directors may say that they just didn't have enough time to do all that. Hell, there were alot of parts that could have been taken out and still got the point of the movie across. And don't get me started when they tried to show that the suit was taking over Parker...making him evil. They made Parker into a bigger dork rather than showing the suit was turning him evil. Well, I guess I should expect that since Spidey doesn't say any smartellic remarks while fighting. And as any Spider-Man fan knows, he pops off several wise cracks in his fights. But, they failed in all three movies to do so. That one line that he says to Bonesaw in the first one is the only smartass comment he said in all three movies.

This blog could go on forever but that is enough ranting over this movie. I could go on and on about how this movie sucked. I am very disappointed in it. The only great thing about this movie is the very small fight scene between Spidey and Venom and Bruce Campbell's part. I won't mention that here for those that haven't seen it. That is the only part that I don't want to ruin, Campbell's part. I would go on about the Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer but that was such a horrible piece of crap that you wouldn't be able to write about it. It contains so many flaws and goes completely against the comic books. You really need to stay away from this one. Just to give you an idea of how bad this one was, the Fantastic Four film made way back in the 90's (if you remember that one) was better than the new one. Yeah, it was that bad.

Hopefully, there are better movies coming out this summer. I am very displeased with the ones that have come out. To those at Marvel, quit selling the comic book characters and not caring what happens to them. The Hulk-sucked, Dare Devil-was mediocre, Ghost Rider-give me a break, Fantastic Four-I want my money and time back and want to kick the people responsible for producing the movies square in the balls. You might want to see what the fans want and run it by them first. Like, I would say it is a safe bet that fans are really mad that Galactus was turned into a cosmic cloud. You, the people at Marvel, need to read the scripts and take control of this foolishness. Otherwise, you are going to have a Ben Rielly episode again...and you people know that almost destroyed your flagship. Just a fair warning. Well, here's to hoping for some good summer movies. I shudder to think of what Transformers is going to be if the trend holds steady.


Blogger Cory said...

Fortunately, I haven't seen either of the films in question. I did talk to someone that saw FF: ROTSS, and once I'd been informed that Galactus was a cloud, I immediately wrote that one off. I mean, really, how much more budget would it take to actually create Galactus?

That has to be the lamest character swap ever.

8:18 AM  

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