Friday, August 24, 2007

Kentucky pride

If you haven't heard about it, then here is a scoop. Recently our good old Kentucky home has come under attack. Now, some would say it's just words and I need not to worry about it. After reading the article, your opinion will change. Or it would have if the article was still up. I was going to submit the link on here but Fox News has taken the article down. The article was supposed to be about the Bengals and a day at their training camp. Which the training camp is located in Georgetown, KY. Mr. Jay Glazer who was there to write the SPORTS article wrote very little on the training camp. This supposed senior analyst decided to write an article on how horrible his stay in Kentucky was. He trashed our great state by commenting on "hear say" and imagining things in his head. There seemed to be very little actual journalism and investigation in his article. I was suprised that Fox let it be posted and a little bit more surprised that they eventually took it down. However, some of the article is still on the web.

Go to this site. A fine retort has been made and tid bits were taken from the article. The parts of the article will give you an idea of Mr. Glazer's idiotic comments. Please, if you are a proud Kentuckian, then you need to check out this link and let Fox know how you feel. Like I said, it's a fine retort. And being a Kentuckian, I am tired of people thinking we are all inbred hicks. It's not like a Kentuckian did anything right....George Clooney *cough* John Micheal Montgomery *cough* Johnny Depp *cough*. Yeah, nothing has ever come out of Kentucky. (Please note the heavy sarcasm.) Ok, I will shut up now and let your eyes feast upon the article in the link. Trust me, it's a good read and hopefully something will be done about this Jay Glazer. But it will take all of us to do something about it. I am tired of taking assaults when we have done nothing to deserve them. Check it out, leave a comment. It's a start.


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